
Iraq Oil

Iraq oil is the big "trend" right now in the Internet for people searching for news. If you're looking for what that's all about, here's a site dedicated to it: Iraq Oil Report



The President's Health Care Plan

If you're looking for information on President Obama's health care plan from his point of view, you can find it here. I'm not sold on the idea at all. I don't think the government should run our health care when they've done such a bang-up job of running everything else - not. Do I believe the health care system needs to be reformed? Absolutely. Do I think the President's plan is a good one? Absolutely not.

I've seen the reports where some expect the number of people entering the medical field to decline because of this. I wonder if that's true. Will there be a longer wait to get in to see a medical professional? Will there be rationing? Will it cost us more? Will it put further financial strain on a country that is already in a bad financial state? Will alternative medicines be shoved under the rug in favor of Big Pharma?

I don't trust this health care plan at all. The government doesn't wear lab coats. I think they need to leave our medical choices up to those who know more than they do. The system needs to be reformed, not totally dismantled and handed over to the government.



Cash for Caulkers

Cash for caulkers? It comes at a cost of 23 billion over two years according to the numbers I'm seeing so far. Read more about it here.



New York and Terrorists

I can't imagine being a New Yorker right now. Not only would 9/11 be impossible to ever get over but now they're bringing terrorists into the area to stand trial. They aren't United States citizens! Let's ask the families of the 9/11 victims what should be done with them.

I don't see President Obama being re-elected. I think his plan is to do what he can in one term so he's probably fine with that.



Lou Dobbs Leaving CNN

Lou Dobbs announced today that he is leaving CNN. No word yet on where he's going. I stopped watching CNN, and some of the others, when most of their broadcasts seem to leave their journalism ethics in the trash. If he's a real journalist, he'll want to actually report the news and not just with the slant a network boss wants him to use.

Great move, Lou!! Good luck!!

Where will he end up? Perhaps writing another book? Maybe on FOX News? Time will tell.



Is swine flu being used by politicians and big pharma?

Everybody has different opinions on the swine flu/H1N1 virus going around right now.

  • There are some who want the vaccine, and can't wait for the medical personnel in the lab coat to give it to them, are using germ-x around the clock going into hyper-hygiene overdrive, and are scared that this is going to be a big killer.
  • Then there are those who believe that the government and Big Pharma are using it as a scare tactic to make big money and get a health care bill passed and don't believe it is any different than any other flu.
  • Then there are some who are ensuring everybody is exercising good hygiene in the household, aren't overly concerned about it, and in more of a "wait and see" mode.
I fall within the last two. While I am making sure my kids are washing their hands regularly (and as soon as they walk in the door from school so any germs they brought home from school don't get passed on too), I'm not panicking over it. I don't want any flu bug in the house if we can help it, not just the swine flu but seasonal flu as well. I believe the government and the pharmaceutical companies are making this seem worse for their own agendas.



Lawsuit Against Swine Flu Vaccine

Emergency legal action has been filed against the swine flu vaccine. This is who filed it and the agencies and people who are the defendants:

Gary Null, PhD, Rima E. Laibow, MD, Susanne Field, RN,
Cherryl Robbins, CNA, Mary Kuchman, Heather Walker,
Natural Solutions Foundation Foundation for Health Choice



in her official capacity as
Secretary of Health and Human Services,
U.S. Department of Health and Human

in her official capacity as
Commissioner of Food and Drugs,
U.S. Food and Drug Administration

You can read the text of the Civil Action No. 1:09-cv-01924 here.

To summarize, they're asking for a temporary restraining order to stop "the distribution, licensing and use of four controversial vaccines -- including their use under an existing Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) -- until there has been adequate safety testing and a full opportunity for public hearings."

They suit is "alleging that the FDA violated the law in its hurried approval by failing to determine the safety and efficacy of the vaccines as required by law since 1964."

They're saying they a law has been violated and that they haven't proven that the vaccine is safe or effective before giving it to the public. They also claim that the FDA has not produced any "scientific evidence documenting safety tests." Read more here.

Sure doesn't give me any warm fuzzies over running out and getting the vaccine.


What party am I?

Do I call myself a Democrat, Republican or Independent?

Nope to all of the above. I've not latched on to any one party. Not yet. Not sure when I will make it official. Not sure it matters.

I have a mix of views and don't think I fall into any one category other than to say I know I'm not far left-leaning. I do not want socialism. I do not want the government micro-managing my life (does anybody like a micro-manager on the job). I do not want my income to pay for bigger government, long-term welfare recipients (especially without drug testing), or illegal individuals. I think big bail-outs are wrong. I think politicians who use tax dollars for irrelevant and frivolous special interest groups are wrong - they should raise their own funds for their own special interest groups and leave my money alone. Don't tell me I don't have the right to bear arms if I choose to or what insurance I have to have. I think politicians who associate with criminals, or behave criminally themselves, should be put out of office without the cushy retirement. I think the politicians' retirement plans are too much and a burden on the American people they shouldn't have. How is it right that we pay for such a nice retirement for the politicians yet many of us can barely put money away for our own retirement? I think we should be a multi-party country over a two-party system. I don't want religion involved in government or schools...religion is a personal choice and should stay personal. I think anybody who terrorizes us and tries to or succeeds in killing Americans in a terrorist act should be smited off the face of the earth (ok, maybe not totally turned into dust but you get the general idea)...don't turn the other cheek.

That's about all for my complaints tonight I think.



Political News Today

It's been a few weeks since I've posted here. I got busy with a lot of other stuff.

Some of the current political headlines today:

  • White House Escalates War of Words with FOX News
  • Poor nations get swine flu jabs. (I post this on a political blog because I'm just not sure if the big push for the vaccine for the H1N1 (swine flu) has less to do with the public's health amd more to do with Big Pharma's pockets and the government's interests. Is this Big Pharma's way of cleaing up their image, by donating all these vaccines to poorer nations?)
  • At least 25,000 more troops needed in Afghanistan.
  • Obama's Nobel Peace Prize: A blessing or a curse?



Barack & Michelle Obama Marriage

There has been a lot of news about Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright and Barack Obama's attendance to his church for 20 years this past year. I don't know why during all of that I never even thought about the fact that he married the two of them too in October of 1992. Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things. People have an opinion one way or another where President Obama's attendance to the church is concerned and this wouldn't change anything. Most people don't care what type of bridesmaid gifts were given or what they danced to. It's just details.

I just thought I'd share my "duh" moment with everybody.



President Obama Calls Kanye a Jackass

It's the first thing he's said that I liked:



John Stossel Joins Fox News

John Stossel is leaving ABC and moving to FOX News. According to reports at FOX News:

"The one-hour program will feature in-depth reports on domestic and international libertarian issues and will debut during the fourth quarter of this year."



Barack Obama's Speech to Our Kids in School

So President Barack Obama spoke to our children today via our public school system. Since I have three children in school, I took the time yesterday to read his speech (it was on the White House web site) so I could check it out before my kids would hear it (and object to their viewing if I thought it best or talk to them beforehand about anything I thought necessary). I didn't see anything in what I read to be a huge concern.

I asked my eight year old what she learned from it. Her first response was, "I forget." Then she said that he said that they (kids) shouldn't let themselves down because if they do, they are letting the whole country down.

I asked my ten year old son what he learned from it. He said, "I learned....hmmm...I'm not sure."

I guess it had a huge effect on him, eh?



Who is writing the bills?

According to Glenn Beck, it's not Congress. Is it:

Socialists? Communists? Revoluationaries?

Read more about it here.



$400 - $600 to Help Pass Obama Health Care on Craigslist!

There are ads up on Craigslist of offers to pay $400 to $600 per week for people to show up and support Obama's healthcare reform.

People with an opposing opinion, who showed up to voice them were called un-American and astroturfers. What the hell is PAYING people to show up about?


Current Rasmussen Polls About Our President




"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

- Margaret Thatcher



Health Care Reform Slows Down House.gov Web Site

Yesterday, members of Congress received so many emails about the health care reform that they overloaded the system. If you tried to reach House.gov and it was very slow or you were unable to connect, that's why. You weren't the only one trying to get your opinion heard. According to the spokesman for the chief administrative officer, Ventura said the large volume of traffic was clearly due to health care reform. However, they would not release the numbers without proper consent to do so.

Perhaps the government needs to upgrade their system to meet the demands of the citizens with a company like orange county computer services. The citizens of the United States deserve to be heard, no matter what the opinion. It's an American right!


White House Sleeping with Big Pharmaceutical Companies?

President Obama promised transparency. Haven't seen it yet.

Has he kept his promises made during his campaigning? Haven't seen it yet.

Rumor has it that there was a memo released showing the White House and Big Pharma getting into bed together, which further reduces the chance that President Obama will do what he said during the campaign for the White House. Claims are that the White House agreed to oppose any congressional push for lower drug prices or import drugs from Canada. There was also talk about Medicare rebates not being pursued because it'd cost the pharmaceutical companies a lot of money.

So where in there is this best for the citizens? Where are the cost savings? Where is the competition that this nation has always thrived on, in other areas, to ensure lower priced drugs? Why are the pharmaceutical companies afraid of a little competition and why would the White House agree to that?

We've moved so far away from what this nation is about that it's scary to me.

I agree that there needs to be health care changes. I think a lot of that has to be done at the level of the pharmaceutical companies. As long as they are in the White House's back pockets, that will never happen. That means decisions will not be made based on what is best for US but made to line the pockets of others. I don't agree that a health care system that a majority of citizens approve of, that other countries envy, should be totally dismantled. Work at the pharmaceutical level. Work at the medical insurance level. Don't destroy a whole system!

Are politicians going to listen to the voices of the masses, the majority now, and not implement this? If they don't, it's their futures up for grabs at re-election time it seems to me.



Current Presidental Job Approval Rating



Health Care Reform

Other countries have tried a national health care system and failed. Is it inexperience on the part of the Administration to think they can pull this off, arrogance that they can do it when other countries have failed, or are they intent on destroying the freedoms that America is about?

Canadians come HERE for care they can't get over there. That's not just something I've heard on television, it's what I've heard from REAL nurses that I know.



Something Stinky at the White House

There's something stinky at the White House and it's not the family dog!

The White House doesn't seem to like that citizens are exercising their free speech rights and speaking out against the health care reform being organized in the White House right now. The White House is referring to these citizens as "mobs". Why are voting citizens being attacked for exercising free speech?

The White House was met with criticism when they made a blog post asking citizens who supported the health care reform to inform the White House of any "fishy" information received through emails, chains, etc. If your aunt or your neighbor forwards an email criticizing their health care reform in one of the neverending rounds of emails that gets forwarded, we're supposed to forward it to the White House? Why? Big brother is watching?

The White House is requesting "fishy" information but perhaps they need Woodwick Spill-Proof Reed Diffusers to rid themselves of any fishy lingering odors and move onto more important things than elementary school-like tattling.

Debate on something of this magnitude is good. It would be a major change for the country and other viewpoints need to be heard to know what the needs are.



Political Spectrum Quiz

My Political Views
I am a center-right social moderate
Right: 2.04, Libertarian: 0.35

Political Spectrum Quiz


Obama Summit on Texting While Driving

Obama is having another summit next month. It's not a beer summit like the last one. It's to discuss the problem of texting while driving. Read more about it here.



Broken Promise

President Obama promised not to raise taxes on middle class citizens who make less than $250,000. Reports today indicate that promise might be broken to pay for Obama's health plan and pay down deficit. A politician breaking a promise? Say it isn't so!


President Barack Obama Approval Ratings

A recent poll of President Barack Obama's approval rating for his performance as President is now at 37% strongly disapprove, with a total disapproval rating of 49%. Approval ratings go down and disapproval ratings go up.

It seems some Democrats are teetering as well - the number of Dems fell 2% during the month of July while the number of Republicans has held steady (did the 2% go to the Independent side?).



Current News on Health Care Plan

President Obama will be on television tomorrow to try to get more support for his health care plan. Reports indicate support for his health care plan is falling and support for his spending overall is also nosediving.

So how many of our elected idiots are going to read this bill before they vote? Are there any Americans who understand this bill?



Rasmussen Polls

Rasmussen poll shows 49 percent of people polled are against the government's proposed health care 'reform'.

54 percent do not want to change health care they have for 'reform' via government plan.

President's approval rating continues to slide south and speculation is that is why they are rushing this health care plan through. We saw how well rushing the stimulus went when the elected idiots didn't bother to read it!


Socialized Health Care

Socialized Health Care: Will it be compassionate and fair or will it result in long lines waiting for basic care like Ontario where only one out of two cancer patients receives care fast enough.

I don't want the government controlling where and when my children get care. Right now, if my child is ill, I get in to see the doctor of my choice quickly. If they require medical tests, etc., that gets done right away as well. I don't think that will happen if President Barack Obama's health plan goes into effect, if Canada's health care system is anything to go by.

I can't stand seeing the direction this country is going in. What will it be like for our children and their children?

In Canada, people bring their children HERE for quick care as opposed to months or more of waiting in Canada. Do you want your sick child on a list for months for needed medical care?

There is a Canadian woman on the news who had to wait 3 years for spinal fusion surgery. Her son now has same condition and she is bringing him to the USA for his care so he isn't in pain for years. She said it could take 2-3 years for him to get the necessary treatment otherwise under Canada's health care system.

This is what they want to do to us? Are they nuts?

I don't want my kids suffering or dying before they get care!



Walter Cronkite Dies

Dead at 92, newsman Walter Cronkite has passed away.


Sarah Palin as President?

So is Sarah Palin going to make a run for the republican ticket for President? What do you think? Do you think she has a chance?



Hannity's Panel About Peter King's Comments About Michael Jackson

Hannity's panel about Peter King's comments about Michael Jackson gets ridiculous. The federal prosecutor on the panel comes across as an idiot. She has a law degree? Really?
For more, read here.



North Korea Aiming For Hawaii?

If North Korea's spouting rumors about aiming a missile towards Hawaii becomes a reality, what's President Obama going to do? Do they have something that can reach Hawaii? Is the United States ready to handle (intercept) it if they do? Is North Korea basically giving us the finger with these rumors (they are just rumors at this point) planned when the U.S.A. is celebrating the 4th of July?

Pressure is being put on China by Obama's administration. China is an ally of North Korea. Hell, with all the crap that we have in the states marked "made in China", couldn't WE put pressure on China ourselves by not buying their lead-filled crap?


Health Care Plan Being Yakked About

A new senate health care plan being talked about right now plans to fine you at least or more than $1,000 - if you don't sign up for it. Just like you are required to get automobile insurance, the government wants to require you to get their health insurance as well (subsidies will be given to the poor and some middle-class families). If you don't, it'll cost you fines of more than $1,000! Families would pay more in fines than an individual person would.

They're calling it "shared responsibility payments". The fines would be used to help offset some of the cost of their health plan.

My question - if EVERYBODY must buy into the government's health plan, then I would assume employers would no longer have to offer insurance? Does that mean employers will raise wages since they wouldn't have to pay health insurance anymore?


Sarah Palin Resigns as Governor of Alaska

Effective the end of this month, Sarah Palin is giving up her job as Governor of Alaska and turning it over to Lt. Governor Sean Parnell. She made the announcement today.

I wonder if she'll be running in 2012 for President. Only time will tell.



SC Governor Has Affair

Governor Sanford of South Carolina admits to an affair that started last year with a woman he met eight years ago. Who paid for his trips to Argentina for his affair? Tax payers? We shall see.



Iran Woman Shot, Video of it on news

I just saw a horrid video of a 27 year old Iranian woman who was shot during the protests. I don't think news agencies should show videos like that - real, live death. How horrid. So sad. I thought she had died but then I heard later they didn't know what had happened to her. If the video was any indication, it looked like she was dying to me. Awful.


Want a Government Job?

If you're wondering where to look if you want to work for the government in some capacity, go to USAjobs.gov. There are almost 47,000 jobs waiting to be filled (many near large cities).


Testing from phone


Is Cheerios a Drug?

"Based on claims made on your product's label," the FDA said in a letter to manufacturer General Mills, "we have determined (Cheerios) is promoted for conditions that cause it to be a drug because the product is intended for use in the prevention, mitigation and treatment of disease."

They are going after Cheerios because of the claims that it can reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. That makes it a drug?

Are the makers of Cheerios at fault or does the FDA need to revise its criteria? Does the FDA have grounds to do this based on Cheerios advertising or are they just being silly?

According to several opinions:

  • The Difference between a drug and a dope? Your drugs are on a shelf, your dopes are in Washington, DC!
  • FDA is out of control. All the healthful foods (whole grains, fruit and vegetables) affect health so does that mean all those foods are drugs?
  • Water cures dehydration. Is water a drug?
  • Mr. Control Freak (aka- socialist president) wants everything in his grasp. He better leave Bran Flakes alone, I need to stay regular. I guess that is treatment for constipation, so it is a drug also.

It seems like there are more important things in the world to worry about right now than Cheerios (North Korea, Iran, our economy to name a few). How about going after all the corrupt pharmaceutical companies?


Is N. Korea a Threat to Hawaii?

Media in Japan is reporting that North Korea is planning a long-range missile attack on July 4th. Towards Hawaii has been mentioned as its route.

Is North Korea stupid or do they want a war? If a missile comes sailing anywhere near the United States, Obama is going to have to step up.

Hawaii has a large military presence and is ready should it come to defending American citizens and the beautiful state of Hawaii.

According to President Barack Obama:

The U.S. is ready to cope with "any contingencies" involving North Korea and vowed not to "reward belligerence and provocation."


"...the U.S. is prepared for any North Korean provocation, including the regime's reported threat to test-launch a long-range missile toward Hawaii."

The leader of North Korea acts like he's asking for military action with the United States. Insanity.



Cash for Clunkers - Your Tax Dollars

A $1 billion "cash for clunkers" provision was just passed yesterday by the government. Starting in August, you can turn in an older gas guzzler and get up to $4,500 from the government for the purchase of a more fuel-efficient model. Oops, I'm sorry, you get it from the tax payers through the government. If you use this voucher, you don't get a trade-in credit. The cars are supposed to be destroyed and not resold. We shall see.

It's supposed to give a boost to the economy. It's a $4 billion program.


USS John McCain Intercepting North Korean Ship

Tensions are increasing as the USS John McCain is to intercept a North Korean ship suspected of having nuclear materials onboard, violation a UN resolution. Intercepting it won't mean much though since you can't board their ship without the North Korea's permission. UN resolutions generally don't mean much to anybody anymore it seems. The UN isn't taken seriously anymore.



Obama Swats Fly

This is news? I'd rather hear him talk about all that transparency he promised during the campaign myself!

When he took office, he promised to create "an unprecedented level of openness in government.” Huh.



Shocker: Politician John Ensign Has Affair

Nevada Senator John Ensign had an affair. Another politician had an affair. Are we all surprised? Are we in shock? Most politicians aren't noted for their honesty or integrity.

It was with a campaign staffer. Again, are we surprised? Are we in shock? Workplace affairs happen all the time.

Ensign's wife's name is Darlene. It's been reported that she has said that the couple's "marriage has become stronger" and added: "I love my husband." (*picture me gagging here*)

I guess it depends on whether she married him for love or politics. If it was politics, yeah, whatever. If it was for love, then go ahead and put on the political wife face in public while you rip him a new one in private. Either way, I'd kick the jerk to the curb. You have to have respect.


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