
What party am I?

Do I call myself a Democrat, Republican or Independent?

Nope to all of the above. I've not latched on to any one party. Not yet. Not sure when I will make it official. Not sure it matters.

I have a mix of views and don't think I fall into any one category other than to say I know I'm not far left-leaning. I do not want socialism. I do not want the government micro-managing my life (does anybody like a micro-manager on the job). I do not want my income to pay for bigger government, long-term welfare recipients (especially without drug testing), or illegal individuals. I think big bail-outs are wrong. I think politicians who use tax dollars for irrelevant and frivolous special interest groups are wrong - they should raise their own funds for their own special interest groups and leave my money alone. Don't tell me I don't have the right to bear arms if I choose to or what insurance I have to have. I think politicians who associate with criminals, or behave criminally themselves, should be put out of office without the cushy retirement. I think the politicians' retirement plans are too much and a burden on the American people they shouldn't have. How is it right that we pay for such a nice retirement for the politicians yet many of us can barely put money away for our own retirement? I think we should be a multi-party country over a two-party system. I don't want religion involved in government or schools...religion is a personal choice and should stay personal. I think anybody who terrorizes us and tries to or succeeds in killing Americans in a terrorist act should be smited off the face of the earth (ok, maybe not totally turned into dust but you get the general idea)...don't turn the other cheek.

That's about all for my complaints tonight I think.


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