
Shocker: Politician John Ensign Has Affair

Nevada Senator John Ensign had an affair. Another politician had an affair. Are we all surprised? Are we in shock? Most politicians aren't noted for their honesty or integrity.

It was with a campaign staffer. Again, are we surprised? Are we in shock? Workplace affairs happen all the time.

Ensign's wife's name is Darlene. It's been reported that she has said that the couple's "marriage has become stronger" and added: "I love my husband." (*picture me gagging here*)

I guess it depends on whether she married him for love or politics. If it was politics, yeah, whatever. If it was for love, then go ahead and put on the political wife face in public while you rip him a new one in private. Either way, I'd kick the jerk to the curb. You have to have respect.


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