
Is Cheerios a Drug?

"Based on claims made on your product's label," the FDA said in a letter to manufacturer General Mills, "we have determined (Cheerios) is promoted for conditions that cause it to be a drug because the product is intended for use in the prevention, mitigation and treatment of disease."

They are going after Cheerios because of the claims that it can reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. That makes it a drug?

Are the makers of Cheerios at fault or does the FDA need to revise its criteria? Does the FDA have grounds to do this based on Cheerios advertising or are they just being silly?

According to several opinions:

  • The Difference between a drug and a dope? Your drugs are on a shelf, your dopes are in Washington, DC!
  • FDA is out of control. All the healthful foods (whole grains, fruit and vegetables) affect health so does that mean all those foods are drugs?
  • Water cures dehydration. Is water a drug?
  • Mr. Control Freak (aka- socialist president) wants everything in his grasp. He better leave Bran Flakes alone, I need to stay regular. I guess that is treatment for constipation, so it is a drug also.

It seems like there are more important things in the world to worry about right now than Cheerios (North Korea, Iran, our economy to name a few). How about going after all the corrupt pharmaceutical companies?


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