
Something Stinky at the White House

There's something stinky at the White House and it's not the family dog!

The White House doesn't seem to like that citizens are exercising their free speech rights and speaking out against the health care reform being organized in the White House right now. The White House is referring to these citizens as "mobs". Why are voting citizens being attacked for exercising free speech?

The White House was met with criticism when they made a blog post asking citizens who supported the health care reform to inform the White House of any "fishy" information received through emails, chains, etc. If your aunt or your neighbor forwards an email criticizing their health care reform in one of the neverending rounds of emails that gets forwarded, we're supposed to forward it to the White House? Why? Big brother is watching?

The White House is requesting "fishy" information but perhaps they need Woodwick Spill-Proof Reed Diffusers to rid themselves of any fishy lingering odors and move onto more important things than elementary school-like tattling.

Debate on something of this magnitude is good. It would be a major change for the country and other viewpoints need to be heard to know what the needs are.


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