
NBC Admits Truth We All Knew

So, NBC actually had a report that did not favor Obama. I know! I was shocked too.

It seems it's finally known that people may not be able to keep their current healthcare due to Obamacare (come on, we all knew it but it's nice to have it validated anyway).

I'm not sure why anybody thought the prez was telling the truth to begin with about this. There is no economical or feasible way for everybody to wants to, to keep what they have with this system. Some may, but not everybody.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Um, not when the coverage doesn't include your doctor or they close their office due to Obamacare.

If you like your health insurance, you can keep your insurance. Um, no.

Perhaps to make it fair to those of us who saw what was coming and did not vote for him, whoever did vote for him can pay the higher rates or get the higher deductibles, or lose their employer's health insurance, or in many cases, get put to part-time from full-time.



President Obama is a Liar & Obamacare Sucks

A former school friend of mine just posted that his employer notified him that his family's medical insurance is going up over $10,000 per year thanks to the "Affordable" Care act (aka Obamacare). How is that affordable in any sense?  That payment a month is like another house payment!

No, this isn't one of those things that gets passed around the internet that gets proven to be false. This is a real person on my Facebook page talking about what his employer notified him concerning their family's health insurance.

President Obama is a first-class idiot.  So is every Senator and Representative who voted for this crap.

Here's an article on Forbes about these increases people will see: Double Down: Obamacare Will Increase Avg. Individual-Market Insurance Premiums By 99% for Men, 62% for Women.

For those who voted for this corrupt fool, good going.

Nothing is free.  Somebody is paying for it somewhere. 



Eric Holder Giving Up on Pot?

News is making the rounds on the Internet that the Justice Department (Holder) said that states can allow citizens to use the drug, license people to grow it and allow them to buy it in stores. It has to be kept from the black market, federal property, and kids according to Ben Swann.

However, they didn't take it off the federal books so who knows if they'll change their mind.

Let's see other states follow through now so people can reap the medical benefits of cannabis oil!



Idiots Are Running The Country

Wow, what a month.  So much going on in the political world.

  • Syria.  Syria, Syria, Syria.  Who to believe?  Mainstream media who is in our government's pocket?  Media from the other side of the world? The U.S. says the Syrian government used chemical weapons on its people.  They, and some foreign media outlets, say it was the rebels who did that and that the West (USA) is involved and/or using it as an excuse to launch missiles at them. (Wouldn't be the first time the USA has been involved before.) Sorry, but at this point, given this Administration's history of lying, spying, Benghazi, etc.,, I tend not to believe anything out of its mouth right now. We can't afford another war.  Are idiots running the country? Huh, stupid question.
  • The rodeo clown that mocked Obama.  Who cares? He is just one in a long line of presidents to be mocked.  Pull up your big girl undies and get over it.
  • Cannabis Oil is in the news as being able to cure or reduce skin cancers, epileptic seizures, blood sugar for diabetes.  Anybody use it legally and can comment?
  • Man gets shot in his own driveway by cops who thought he was reaching for his gun (he was reaching for his keys).  They discharged 15 bullets and only hit him twice.  They should be embarrassed (and go back to the range).
  • Did you hear another disease has been invented so that Big Pharma can give you an addictive controlled substance for it.  It's called Shift Work Disorder. So, if you are tired because you work alternative shifts, take their drug, which might cause insomnia (makes sense eh?).  Oh yeah, it can also cause all kinds of other side effects or kill you.  Bottoms up!
  • Egyptians are upset over Obama's support of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Yeah, don't blame them.  There are a lot of Americans upset about that too. 
  • Did you hear the NSA doesn't just spy on its citizens in general?  They also spy on their spouses and lovers too.  



Today's Events: Obama Flops, His Freedom of Press Arrest

Things I'm reading today:

  • The journalist Obama had arrested for outing his missile/bomb attack that killed women and children in Yemen was freed. 
“As we now know, on December 17, 2009, President Obama ordered an air attack — using Tomahawk cruise missiles and cluster bombs — on the village of al Majala in Yemen’s southern Abyan province; the strike ended the lives of 14 women and 21 children. At the time, the Yemeni government outright lied about the attack, falsely claiming that it was Yemen’s air force which was responsible.”  (Story here.)
  •  The President is still campaigning even though he isn't running for office.  I'm not sure how he got the office he did but...ok.  His speech at Knox College in Illinois didn't go over real well with some people.  On top of all the scandals rocking the White House, he apparently gave some this opinion:
"The president spoke in deeply partisan terms, often with bitterness and anger, lambasting his political opponents, dismissing criticism of his policies, and launching into his favourite theme of class warfare, attacking the wealthy and what he calls the “winner takes all economy.” In a display of extraordinary arrogance (even by his standards), he condemned what he called “an endless parade of distractions, political posturing and phony scandals,” a direct reference to the Congressional investigations into the IRS and Benghazi scandals, which most Americans don’t see as phony. He also defended his increasingly unpopular Obamacare proposals, attacking what he calls “a politically-motivated misinformation campaign,” while failing to acknowledge that moderate Democrats are “steadily turning against Obamacare” as The Washington Post reported...."   (More here.)

Is he the man so many voted for or was that fake?



John Kerry Threatens Venezuala over Snowden

John Kerry - being an American bully?

Kerry vows to put the screws to Venezuela over Snowden – report

US Secretary of State John Kerry has reportedly promised his Venezuelan counterpart to close NATO airspace to the country’s flights and stop crucial oil product deliveries if Caracas grants asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden.  (Read more here.)


Obama Aiding Syria: Arming Terrorists?

If Obama decides to arm Syrian rebels, is he arming terrorists? Many think so.  This article by Senator Rand Paul is interesting reading on the subject.  

I think it is a good possibility we would be arming branches of Al Qaeda.  I would have to wonder if arming them would be accidental.  I would also have to wonder what the heck we are doing getting ourselves involved in another Middle East issue.


Obama: We Refused to Let Detroit Go Bankrupt

Yeah.  Oops.



Take that Nobel Peace Prize Away from Obama

So, news reports are saying that the United States is considering using force in Syria.  

My opinion?

Obama (I have a hard time putting "President" in front of his name) was given the Nobel Peace Prize. For what?  I think they had a premature release with that peace prize.  Take it back! 

The Nobel Peace Prize WINNER wants to get us into another war.  Another friggen war!!  Who is paying for it?  Monetarily and with their own blood?

Is Washington going to be on the front lines risking life and limb?  Is Washington going to spend months in a foreign land away from their family, missing their kids grow up?  Is Washington going to struggle to get medical care when they return from war?  Is Washington going to use their own money to fight this war, instead of ours?  

I do not believe there has been any honest intelligence from Obama on what is actually happening in Syria.  It is hard to trust anything that comes out of his mouth.  Why is it up to us to intervene?  Would we be supporting terrorists if we did?  Big questions.  I would want answers to them. 

Somebody take that Peace Prize away from him, please.  He's a war monger...no better than John McCain. 



Message from Egyptians to America

A message from the Egyptians to America and President Obama:

(English starts 40 seconds in...it's worth the listen.)




The prosecution against Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin could not prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and thus, he was "not guilty".  Does that mean the prosecution failed at their jobs or was there no evidence - because Zimmerman was telling the truth - to prove guilt?  Who knows.  I don't.  I wasn't there. I didn't witness the shooting.

Seems like a lot of people think they were there and have taken to the streets, Twitter, news, etc., with their opinion of an altercation based on what they "think" happened.  I am sorry but thinking something "may" have happened does not give anybody the right to convict based on hypothetical. That is not how our justice system works or else there'd be a whole lot more hollering going on by blacks, whites, Hispanics, etc. for getting convicted based on what any particular person or people WANT to have happened. We don't do witch hunts anymore.  Remember?

Al Sharpton seems to make things worse for his own glory with all the hate he spews. Why doesn't Al Sharpton blow some useful hot air about all the Chicago violence or any other major city?  What about the black on black violence?  

What about the black guys who shot white 17 year old Marley Lion?  What about two black teens robbing a mom pushing her baby in a stroller - one of who purposely put a gun to 13-month-old Antonio Santiago's head and pulled the trigger?  (Anybody - anybody...I don't care what age you are or what race you are - anybody who can put a gun to a baby's head and pull the trigger is an animal!!) Was Antonio too white so Sharpton doesn't care?  Was Marley? Apparently, half-Hispanic Zimmerman was too white.  (I'm still trying to figure that out - Obama is half black/white but he's considered black while Zimmerman is half-Hispanic/white but he's considered white.  How exactly does that work?) 

If the color of your skin matching the color of the victim's skin is the only thing you care about, doesn't that makes YOU racist? 

Jesse Lee Peterson has a few things to say about how black racism killed Trayvon - oh, and he's black. Interesting view point.

There's an interesting video here and the YouTube channel of  The World According to Michael who has a few things to say about his race. 

How about instead of black/white - how about just being people?  How about just being a decent human being? How about just loving your children, putting their needs first instead of your own and parenting responsibly? How about caring about people no matter their skin color? How about taking race out of the equation and just live. 

Anybody who spews hatred and fans the flames of racism doesn't deserve to be listened to.



Monsanta, Genetically Modified Foods (Frankenfood)


Genetically modified food.

Bad for our health.

More later.


Unions Against Obamacare...Now

Hmmm...I have read that James P. Hoffa, Joseph Hansen and D. Taylor, of the union, are saying Obamacare will "destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class" unless they (Obama Administration) enacts an equitable fix.

I thought the unions were FOR Obamacare?  Guess they finally read the stupid thing and figured out it was crap?

The open letter went on to say, "We can no longer stand silent in the face of elements of the Affordable Care Act that will destroy the very health and well being of our members along with millions of other hardworking Americans." 

Guess they should have read the damn thing sooner...and opened their mouth instead of supporting whatever our President wanted.

What did Botox Pelosi say - something along the lines of passing it (Obamacare) so it can be read.  How about reading it and then deciding if it was worth passing.  I swear we vote in idiots.  What does that make us that not only do we vote them in, we let them stay in office.



Treason Law in the Constitution: Did Ed Snowden commit treason?

Treason Law is in the constitution.

Treason against the U.S. shall consist only in levying war against them or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

Edward Snowden did not commit treason according to constitutional law.  He did not give information to the enemy - are the American people the enemies of our federal government? There was not a declaration of war.


What are our marines doing along the Syrian border?

Ben Swann thinks: How can the United States support the Syrian rebels when so many of those rebels aren't even Syrian and many are Al-Qaeda fighters from Iraq?

Good question.

Are we arming Al-Qaeda?  If this is true, every American should have a problem with this.


I Like Ben Swann

I definitely think mainstream media has failed in providing truth and are now just mouthpieces for the government.



Are are Americans terrorists?


NSA Prism Presentation: Four New Slides

Washington Post releases four new slides from NSA's Prism presentation


Glenn Greenwald: "Dianne Feinstein is Outright Lying" about NSA



Benghazi: Botched Kidnapping?

I just came across this link. With all the questions about Benghazi, I would've thought I'd have run across this sooner.

I definitely think Benghazi was about something other than what our White House reported it to be, whether botched kidnapping, the U.S. running guns, or something else, I believe there was a cover-up.

My question:  When the hell will the cover-up be uncovered completely and the truth made known?



100 Million for Africa Trip

That sure is a lot of our money for this trip!!! 

Here I thought the U.S. was broke! 


Syria Now?

Are we going into Syria now? Are we arming the rebels?

If you listen to mainstream, you hear how Syria used chemical weapons on their own people. If you listen to alternative sources, that's not true and the U.S. is arming rebels who are terrorists and massacring children. 

So what's the truth?  Do we belong in this fight? 



Obama Lost Us 10 Billion Buck...necessary? or political?

According to an article in The Detroit News, the big GM bailout, using our tax paying dollars, will result in a loss of about 10 BILLION of our tax paying dollars at current trading prices.  Awww, wasn't that nice of Obama to spend our money and lose it like that?

Here's the article.


11 Year Old Suspended for Just Talking About Guns

Apparently, at this school in Maryland, you can be suspended just for talking about guns.  This is getting nuts!

Also, if school officials or the police ever talk to my minor child without me, they would never hear the end of my bitching at them.



Political Correct Taken Too Far?

When is being "political correct" wrong?

According to this article, a mom was killed by a "non-US citizen" living in the U.S without proper authorization named Jose Zarate for defending her daughter against this man who wanted to take her 13-year-old for a "romantic relationship" (pedophilia). She refused.  He shot and killed this mother.

OK, let's lay it out here - this pedophile is an ILLEGAL immigrant - he is in this country illegally. There are some people who don't deserve politically correct and this pedophile bastard is one of them.

My opinion? Our men and women in the Middle East need to be brought home to protect our borders from the criminals crossing it to come here and commit crimes. I have no problem with immigration.  It's the people who go around the system, go around the people who follow the proper channels to be here legally, and commit crimes in our country that I have a problem with.



Bringing Down America

I am seeing chatter online about the book, Bringing Down America, by Larry Grathwohl and Frank Reagan.  Anybody read it or know what the chatter is about?  You can get the kindle edition at Amazon here.



Bradley Manning: Right or Wrong?

Bradley Manning released documents our government didn't want anybody to see.  Was he a threat to national security or a whistleblower justified in letting the citizens know the truth behind the secrecy of our government and its injustices?


16 Year Old Killed by Obama: Targeted? Justified? Murder?

Abdulrahma al-Awlaki, age 16, was killed by a U.S. airstrike. He wasn't the first U.S. citizen killed without due process by our current Obama administration, however, he was a kid. Justified killing? Murder?

With an administration seemingly without a conscience with the killing of women and children during their drone strikes, how much would you trust your President?

Children born in the United States are "fair game"?


Why is Obama Keeping Yemeni Journalist in Prison?

True or false?  If the U.S. had real journalists instead of mouthpieces for our government, I might know the answer to that.  Is President Obama keeping Yemeni journalist, Abdulelah Haider Shaye, in prison?



Obama's Broken Promises & Debt

Liar, liar pants on fire.


President Obama's Hidden College Records

Why are President Obama's college records not public?  Shouldn't WE, the people, the citizens of the USA, know what the educational background is for the man running OUR country?

I'm not a huge fan of television (don't have television service anymore) and am disgusted with most of the Republican party right now with a few exceptions (I tend to fall more towards the Libertarian side though I am "undecided" on defense stuff), however, I did like Sarah Palin's part in this video:



Fighting Gun Control

If you are looking for a list of companies fighting back against gun control, check this site out here.


Is Big Pharma Same as Government?

I was looking at this list on this gov't page (http://www.ott.nih.gov/about_nih/FY2012top20.aspx) and saw the inventors listed. The inventors can make a ton of money off inventing things, correct? NCI (http://www.cancer.gov/), NIAID (http://www.niaid.nih.gov/), NIDCD (http://www.nidcd.nih.gov), NIEHS (http://www.niehs.nih.gov/), are shown as some of the inventors. These are ALL government web sites shown under "inventors". So, the government makes a ton of money off pushing medications and vaccines that aren't proven to not cause harm? Really, how many times has a drug or vaccine been given to the public, only to find out later it causes harm or death? 

So, it's not just that Big Pharma is in bed with the government with money changing hands, etc. I would look at this more as government IS A PART OF Big Pharma.

Can you trust the "company" (in this case, government) that requires vaccines when they are making money off of them?


2700 Civilian Assault Vehicles by FEMA and DHS?

Did FEMA order 2700 civilian assault vehicles?  Are these a part of those?  Or are these just a routine military transport and not a part of a possible tyrannical government? What's the answer? What is your opinion? Crazy conspiracy theory or possibility?

Did FEMA order 2700 civilian assault vehicles?



Obama Stonewalling on Ammo Build-Up

Why is President Obama stonewalling on the government's big ammunition build-up?

"The Department of Homeland Security bought more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the last year, as well as thousands of armored vehicles."
Do you think he is? What would be the reason?  Is there an ulterior motive behind the government's big grab at gun control? I have heard words like "revolution" and "civil war".  Think it's a possibility?



Rand Paul: Presidential Candidate?

I have been inundating my Facebook with political posts almost constantly when I should have been updating my blog here with them instead! Duh!!

I love what Senator Rand Paul did with the filibuster the other day.  I am glad there are a couple politicians willing to do what is right.  Most of them are dishonest (along with most of mainstream media) but I have heard a few good things about Rand Paul so I am going to keep my eye on him for future news.  I think he'll end up being a candidate in 2016 (assuming the rumors aren't true and Obama doesn't do a hostile takeover of our government).

Do you think that could happen or is it conspiracy stuff?


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