
NBC Admits Truth We All Knew

So, NBC actually had a report that did not favor Obama. I know! I was shocked too.

It seems it's finally known that people may not be able to keep their current healthcare due to Obamacare (come on, we all knew it but it's nice to have it validated anyway).

I'm not sure why anybody thought the prez was telling the truth to begin with about this. There is no economical or feasible way for everybody to wants to, to keep what they have with this system. Some may, but not everybody.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Um, not when the coverage doesn't include your doctor or they close their office due to Obamacare.

If you like your health insurance, you can keep your insurance. Um, no.

Perhaps to make it fair to those of us who saw what was coming and did not vote for him, whoever did vote for him can pay the higher rates or get the higher deductibles, or lose their employer's health insurance, or in many cases, get put to part-time from full-time.


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