
Daily News 03/13/2013 - NSA, CIA, Feinstein, Obamacare, Beyonce

  • New Jersey teen Rachel Canning returned home to the parents she sued...and the lawsuit is still on. What to say to this 18-year-old adult child suing her parents for support? Grow up! Maybe she's looking for the publicity for somebody to offer her her own reality television show. Her parents' house, her parents' rules. She wants to drink and get suspended from school? She wants to cuss her mother out? She wants to steal? Don't let the door hit ya!

  • Senator Dianne Feinstein (Chair of Senate Intelligence Committee) is OK with a government agency spying on US but if a government agency spies on her? Oh no! The horror! Treason! They broke a law! Give me a break. It's not right in either case. Does she consider herself on such a high pedestal that it's OK if us peons are spied on but not them?  Then you have Lindsey Graham (South Carolina). He should retire. He should take McCain with him.

  • Only have 19 days to sign up for Obamacare! Sign up all you young people so you can pay for everybody else's medical services. What's wrong with that? Pfft.  

  • Beyonce. What can I say but HYPOCRITE? She doesn't like "bossy"?  Does that hurt a girl's self-esteem to be called bossy? Really? When her husband, Jay-Z, has lyrics like ho and bitch, Beyonce (Obama's pimp celebrity) is on a campaign to get rid of the word "bossy"? Give me a friggen break. Get a clue, Beyonce. What does it do to a girl to be called a ho? How about bitch? How about you quit pimping for the White House and go soap your husband's mouth? How about you clean up your own lyrics that all these girls are singing? 

  • When will the House, with a republican majority, do a damn thing about Obama's total disregard for which laws he follows, or which laws he changes, because we all know the executive branch makes and changes laws, right? 


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