

The prosecution against Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin could not prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and thus, he was "not guilty".  Does that mean the prosecution failed at their jobs or was there no evidence - because Zimmerman was telling the truth - to prove guilt?  Who knows.  I don't.  I wasn't there. I didn't witness the shooting.

Seems like a lot of people think they were there and have taken to the streets, Twitter, news, etc., with their opinion of an altercation based on what they "think" happened.  I am sorry but thinking something "may" have happened does not give anybody the right to convict based on hypothetical. That is not how our justice system works or else there'd be a whole lot more hollering going on by blacks, whites, Hispanics, etc. for getting convicted based on what any particular person or people WANT to have happened. We don't do witch hunts anymore.  Remember?

Al Sharpton seems to make things worse for his own glory with all the hate he spews. Why doesn't Al Sharpton blow some useful hot air about all the Chicago violence or any other major city?  What about the black on black violence?  

What about the black guys who shot white 17 year old Marley Lion?  What about two black teens robbing a mom pushing her baby in a stroller - one of who purposely put a gun to 13-month-old Antonio Santiago's head and pulled the trigger?  (Anybody - anybody...I don't care what age you are or what race you are - anybody who can put a gun to a baby's head and pull the trigger is an animal!!) Was Antonio too white so Sharpton doesn't care?  Was Marley? Apparently, half-Hispanic Zimmerman was too white.  (I'm still trying to figure that out - Obama is half black/white but he's considered black while Zimmerman is half-Hispanic/white but he's considered white.  How exactly does that work?) 

If the color of your skin matching the color of the victim's skin is the only thing you care about, doesn't that makes YOU racist? 

Jesse Lee Peterson has a few things to say about how black racism killed Trayvon - oh, and he's black. Interesting view point.

There's an interesting video here and the YouTube channel of  The World According to Michael who has a few things to say about his race. 

How about instead of black/white - how about just being people?  How about just being a decent human being? How about just loving your children, putting their needs first instead of your own and parenting responsibly? How about caring about people no matter their skin color? How about taking race out of the equation and just live. 

Anybody who spews hatred and fans the flames of racism doesn't deserve to be listened to.


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