
Idiots Are Running The Country

Wow, what a month.  So much going on in the political world.

  • Syria.  Syria, Syria, Syria.  Who to believe?  Mainstream media who is in our government's pocket?  Media from the other side of the world? The U.S. says the Syrian government used chemical weapons on its people.  They, and some foreign media outlets, say it was the rebels who did that and that the West (USA) is involved and/or using it as an excuse to launch missiles at them. (Wouldn't be the first time the USA has been involved before.) Sorry, but at this point, given this Administration's history of lying, spying, Benghazi, etc.,, I tend not to believe anything out of its mouth right now. We can't afford another war.  Are idiots running the country? Huh, stupid question.
  • The rodeo clown that mocked Obama.  Who cares? He is just one in a long line of presidents to be mocked.  Pull up your big girl undies and get over it.
  • Cannabis Oil is in the news as being able to cure or reduce skin cancers, epileptic seizures, blood sugar for diabetes.  Anybody use it legally and can comment?
  • Man gets shot in his own driveway by cops who thought he was reaching for his gun (he was reaching for his keys).  They discharged 15 bullets and only hit him twice.  They should be embarrassed (and go back to the range).
  • Did you hear another disease has been invented so that Big Pharma can give you an addictive controlled substance for it.  It's called Shift Work Disorder. So, if you are tired because you work alternative shifts, take their drug, which might cause insomnia (makes sense eh?).  Oh yeah, it can also cause all kinds of other side effects or kill you.  Bottoms up!
  • Egyptians are upset over Obama's support of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Yeah, don't blame them.  There are a lot of Americans upset about that too. 
  • Did you hear the NSA doesn't just spy on its citizens in general?  They also spy on their spouses and lovers too.  


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