
SC Governor Has Affair

Governor Sanford of South Carolina admits to an affair that started last year with a woman he met eight years ago. Who paid for his trips to Argentina for his affair? Tax payers? We shall see.



Iran Woman Shot, Video of it on news

I just saw a horrid video of a 27 year old Iranian woman who was shot during the protests. I don't think news agencies should show videos like that - real, live death. How horrid. So sad. I thought she had died but then I heard later they didn't know what had happened to her. If the video was any indication, it looked like she was dying to me. Awful.


Want a Government Job?

If you're wondering where to look if you want to work for the government in some capacity, go to USAjobs.gov. There are almost 47,000 jobs waiting to be filled (many near large cities).


Testing from phone


Is Cheerios a Drug?

"Based on claims made on your product's label," the FDA said in a letter to manufacturer General Mills, "we have determined (Cheerios) is promoted for conditions that cause it to be a drug because the product is intended for use in the prevention, mitigation and treatment of disease."

They are going after Cheerios because of the claims that it can reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. That makes it a drug?

Are the makers of Cheerios at fault or does the FDA need to revise its criteria? Does the FDA have grounds to do this based on Cheerios advertising or are they just being silly?

According to several opinions:

  • The Difference between a drug and a dope? Your drugs are on a shelf, your dopes are in Washington, DC!
  • FDA is out of control. All the healthful foods (whole grains, fruit and vegetables) affect health so does that mean all those foods are drugs?
  • Water cures dehydration. Is water a drug?
  • Mr. Control Freak (aka- socialist president) wants everything in his grasp. He better leave Bran Flakes alone, I need to stay regular. I guess that is treatment for constipation, so it is a drug also.

It seems like there are more important things in the world to worry about right now than Cheerios (North Korea, Iran, our economy to name a few). How about going after all the corrupt pharmaceutical companies?


Is N. Korea a Threat to Hawaii?

Media in Japan is reporting that North Korea is planning a long-range missile attack on July 4th. Towards Hawaii has been mentioned as its route.

Is North Korea stupid or do they want a war? If a missile comes sailing anywhere near the United States, Obama is going to have to step up.

Hawaii has a large military presence and is ready should it come to defending American citizens and the beautiful state of Hawaii.

According to President Barack Obama:

The U.S. is ready to cope with "any contingencies" involving North Korea and vowed not to "reward belligerence and provocation."


"...the U.S. is prepared for any North Korean provocation, including the regime's reported threat to test-launch a long-range missile toward Hawaii."

The leader of North Korea acts like he's asking for military action with the United States. Insanity.



Cash for Clunkers - Your Tax Dollars

A $1 billion "cash for clunkers" provision was just passed yesterday by the government. Starting in August, you can turn in an older gas guzzler and get up to $4,500 from the government for the purchase of a more fuel-efficient model. Oops, I'm sorry, you get it from the tax payers through the government. If you use this voucher, you don't get a trade-in credit. The cars are supposed to be destroyed and not resold. We shall see.

It's supposed to give a boost to the economy. It's a $4 billion program.


USS John McCain Intercepting North Korean Ship

Tensions are increasing as the USS John McCain is to intercept a North Korean ship suspected of having nuclear materials onboard, violation a UN resolution. Intercepting it won't mean much though since you can't board their ship without the North Korea's permission. UN resolutions generally don't mean much to anybody anymore it seems. The UN isn't taken seriously anymore.



Obama Swats Fly

This is news? I'd rather hear him talk about all that transparency he promised during the campaign myself!

When he took office, he promised to create "an unprecedented level of openness in government.” Huh.



Shocker: Politician John Ensign Has Affair

Nevada Senator John Ensign had an affair. Another politician had an affair. Are we all surprised? Are we in shock? Most politicians aren't noted for their honesty or integrity.

It was with a campaign staffer. Again, are we surprised? Are we in shock? Workplace affairs happen all the time.

Ensign's wife's name is Darlene. It's been reported that she has said that the couple's "marriage has become stronger" and added: "I love my husband." (*picture me gagging here*)

I guess it depends on whether she married him for love or politics. If it was politics, yeah, whatever. If it was for love, then go ahead and put on the political wife face in public while you rip him a new one in private. Either way, I'd kick the jerk to the curb. You have to have respect.


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