
Bradley Manning: Right or Wrong?

Bradley Manning released documents our government didn't want anybody to see.  Was he a threat to national security or a whistleblower justified in letting the citizens know the truth behind the secrecy of our government and its injustices?


16 Year Old Killed by Obama: Targeted? Justified? Murder?

Abdulrahma al-Awlaki, age 16, was killed by a U.S. airstrike. He wasn't the first U.S. citizen killed without due process by our current Obama administration, however, he was a kid. Justified killing? Murder?

With an administration seemingly without a conscience with the killing of women and children during their drone strikes, how much would you trust your President?

Children born in the United States are "fair game"?


Why is Obama Keeping Yemeni Journalist in Prison?

True or false?  If the U.S. had real journalists instead of mouthpieces for our government, I might know the answer to that.  Is President Obama keeping Yemeni journalist, Abdulelah Haider Shaye, in prison?



Obama's Broken Promises & Debt

Liar, liar pants on fire.


President Obama's Hidden College Records

Why are President Obama's college records not public?  Shouldn't WE, the people, the citizens of the USA, know what the educational background is for the man running OUR country?

I'm not a huge fan of television (don't have television service anymore) and am disgusted with most of the Republican party right now with a few exceptions (I tend to fall more towards the Libertarian side though I am "undecided" on defense stuff), however, I did like Sarah Palin's part in this video:



Fighting Gun Control

If you are looking for a list of companies fighting back against gun control, check this site out here.


Is Big Pharma Same as Government?

I was looking at this list on this gov't page (http://www.ott.nih.gov/about_nih/FY2012top20.aspx) and saw the inventors listed. The inventors can make a ton of money off inventing things, correct? NCI (http://www.cancer.gov/), NIAID (http://www.niaid.nih.gov/), NIDCD (http://www.nidcd.nih.gov), NIEHS (http://www.niehs.nih.gov/), are shown as some of the inventors. These are ALL government web sites shown under "inventors". So, the government makes a ton of money off pushing medications and vaccines that aren't proven to not cause harm? Really, how many times has a drug or vaccine been given to the public, only to find out later it causes harm or death? 

So, it's not just that Big Pharma is in bed with the government with money changing hands, etc. I would look at this more as government IS A PART OF Big Pharma.

Can you trust the "company" (in this case, government) that requires vaccines when they are making money off of them?


2700 Civilian Assault Vehicles by FEMA and DHS?

Did FEMA order 2700 civilian assault vehicles?  Are these a part of those?  Or are these just a routine military transport and not a part of a possible tyrannical government? What's the answer? What is your opinion? Crazy conspiracy theory or possibility?

Did FEMA order 2700 civilian assault vehicles?



Obama Stonewalling on Ammo Build-Up

Why is President Obama stonewalling on the government's big ammunition build-up?

"The Department of Homeland Security bought more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the last year, as well as thousands of armored vehicles."
Do you think he is? What would be the reason?  Is there an ulterior motive behind the government's big grab at gun control? I have heard words like "revolution" and "civil war".  Think it's a possibility?



Rand Paul: Presidential Candidate?

I have been inundating my Facebook with political posts almost constantly when I should have been updating my blog here with them instead! Duh!!

I love what Senator Rand Paul did with the filibuster the other day.  I am glad there are a couple politicians willing to do what is right.  Most of them are dishonest (along with most of mainstream media) but I have heard a few good things about Rand Paul so I am going to keep my eye on him for future news.  I think he'll end up being a candidate in 2016 (assuming the rumors aren't true and Obama doesn't do a hostile takeover of our government).

Do you think that could happen or is it conspiracy stuff?


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