
The Left Doesn't Speak for Me!

It's like nails on a chalkboard when I hear how Republicans want to take birth control away and stop sending tax payer funds to Planned Parenthood (and no, I'm not a Republican but I am a woman) or how the right is against all women.  Bullshit!

First, it's not about taking it away - it's about removing tax dollars. Some people don't want to pay for other people's birth control via their hard earned tax dollars, especially in this economy!  Pay for your own damn birth control.  It's $9 at Wal-Mart for a month's supply of birth control pills. Condoms are a couple bucks a box.  You want to play, take responsibility and don't expect anybody else to do it for you.

Second, why should tax dollars go to an organization that performs services that are against that tax payer's religious or moral beliefs? Planned Parenthood had millions in profits for the last several years...their CEO makes $400K a year.  See an issue here? Stop the tax dollars and let people and companies donate to the cause if they believe in it.  Put a box on the tax form asking if you want to donate to Planned Parenthood. Go to the organizations that are demonizing the right for voicing their complaints about having to help fund something they don't believe in or have religious opposition to and have them fund it.  I am pro-choice but that doesn't mean I have the right to force my beliefs onto other people and take tax money out of their pocket, out of their family's homes, to pay for them.

Women are being used for political gain.  There should be more outrage over that than there is with the perception from the left that we poor little women just can't take care of ourselves.  Bullshit.  I was paying my way when I was 15.  If I can do it at 15, an adult should damn well be able to do it too.


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