
Free Speech & Rush Limbaugh

I do not listen to Rush's radio show and don't agree with what he said last week that the news agency sound bites are showing.

However, I do believe in free speech.  I believe in the right of an individual to express themselves whether I disagree or not.  When we try to take that away (or in the case of his advertisers, pulling advertising), I believe we hurt ourselves.

He has the right to express himself.  She has the right to sue if she feels she was slandered.

Do you want your right to free speech tampered with?  Do you want censorship?

I don't know about you but I'm perfectly capable of turning off a radio or television program I don't want to be exposed to.  I'm perfectly capable of forming my own opinions and living within my own morals and values - a radio personality has no influence over me whatsoever.

Companies that remove their advertising - pfft.  Bowing to the pressure.  I don't base my business with Netflix or Quicken, or any business, on their political beliefs but when they operate that business based on pressure from people that interferes with an individual's basic rights, you can be damn sure they will lose my business.

I don't agree with Rush Limbaugh's vile language used last week but I do believe in his right to express himself through free speech.  He is free to speak as he wishes and I am free not to listen.  That's the beauty of this country - it's a FREE country.  Now leave my damn rights alone!

Edited to Add:  Just found out Allstate is also another advertiser who pulled advertising.  As a 19-year loyal customer to Allstate, that is disappointing. I will be finding a new insurance provider.


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