Riling Me Up
I can tell this election season is going to keep me riled up. In the last couple years, I barely posted on this blog. It got left behind. I can see this year will make up for it!
Read more...I can tell this election season is going to keep me riled up. In the last couple years, I barely posted on this blog. It got left behind. I can see this year will make up for it!
Read more...Why is NOW (National Organization for Women) calling for Rush Limbaugh's show to get dropped but they're not calling for Maher's, and others who have done the same thing, to be dropped? Why the political double standard with NOW? I thought they were the National Organization for Women? They obviously don't stand for ALL women. They should rename themselves to show the political machine they truly are.
NODW = National Organization for Democratic Women
NOLW = National Organization for Liberal Women
NOOW = National Organization for Obama's Women
How about just: NOT-NOW? (pretty self-explanatory)
When Rush Limbaugh slurs women, NOW calls for his program to be dropped. When Bill Maher slurs a woman, NOW does this:
National Organization for Woman (NOW) has not only denounced the use of such sexist words, but also issued a warning to conservatives who they believe are attempting to use the issue to discredit their organization: “We are on to you, right-wingers.”So when Conservatives complain, they're trying to discredit the other side. When Democrats complain, it's ok and let's get the horrid offender exercising his Constitutional right to free speech off the air?
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There's a big controversy over Rush Limbaugh's "slut" comment towards Ms. Fluke. There are people who are claiming he was speaking out against women in general and that his own Republican Party is against Rush. Here's what I have to say about that:
The Republican Party is speaking out about the derogatory term Rush Limbaugh used, in my opinion. As a woman, I didn't take Rush's comments to mean he was speaking out against all women in general. It is a shame that he used the derogatory term "slut" for Ms. Fluke because the message got lost behind the derogatory term he used.
A woman, a law student, who can sit in front of Congress and give a badly written speech on why the rest of the working population should fund her needs for a safe sex life, and her friends' sex life, should be ashamed of herself. If she wants to have sex, she should be capable of protecting herself. Where was the part of the speech about her partner's (or partners') responsibility in helping fund the birth control for their sex life? Where is the personal responsibility? I'm assuming that Ms. Fluke isn't mentally deficient since she is in law school. What is so difficult about walking herself down to a clinic for the free or almost free birth control our tax dollars already provide?
It irritates me to be portrayed as unable to take care of my own needs, with a handout from others to pay for my recreation or family planning. I am not a weak woman. I am not an incapable woman. I sure don't need the rest of the working population to pay to protect me if "I" choose to have sex. I didn't at 16 and I don't at 40. If I did, I shouldn't be having sex. Period.
Personal responsibility is getting lost in the "gimme gimme" attitude too many are portraying. I take care of myself. My daughters and my son will learn to protect themselves. Government needs to stay out of my bedroom, quit grabbing at the money we need to take care of my family, and quit wasting our tax dollars on crap. Yes, it's crap.
No, I am not a Republican. Surprised?
Let's talk about the health consequences of synthetic birth controls. Has anybody seen the commercials on TV lately for lawsuits against the Yaz birth control pill? This was THE birth control pill to get when it hit the market. When we, thru the government mandate, pay to give all women who want free birth control birth control, and then down the road they find out, "Hey, that particular pill causes x and y and z..." then will the tax payers have to pay the women back thru the lawsuit and for the continuing care to treat whatever disease or condition it brings on? How about when they get an IUD inserted free through the government mandate and their uterus ruptures, will our tax dollars fund her care and whatever lawsuit she brings for the condition and inability to carry a child after that? No thank you.
There are doctors who claim all this synthetic crap is causing a lot of the health issues rampant today - thyroid issues, cancers, chronic fatigue, etc. We can't put synthetic into our body and not expect it to affect other parts of our body negatively. I don't believe in synthetic birth control pills. Why should I have to pay to provide them?
Some people think the government is just looking out for them. Pfft. The government is all about SELF-INTEREST. If the President and his crew can get more than 50% of the voting population on his welfare rolls for too long, hand out all this "free" stuff, they will vote for him in the next election to make sure all that free stuff doesn't go away. Why work? This stuff IS NOT FREE! The rest of the working population is paying for it. I would be ashamed of myself.
Don't get me wrong. I believe there is a need for assistance for those who are struggling. What I don't believe in is ensuring those people stay down and out indefinitely, to foster the "gimme gimme" mentality, to ensure a vote.
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