
The President's Health Care Plan

If you're looking for information on President Obama's health care plan from his point of view, you can find it here. I'm not sold on the idea at all. I don't think the government should run our health care when they've done such a bang-up job of running everything else - not. Do I believe the health care system needs to be reformed? Absolutely. Do I think the President's plan is a good one? Absolutely not.

I've seen the reports where some expect the number of people entering the medical field to decline because of this. I wonder if that's true. Will there be a longer wait to get in to see a medical professional? Will there be rationing? Will it cost us more? Will it put further financial strain on a country that is already in a bad financial state? Will alternative medicines be shoved under the rug in favor of Big Pharma?

I don't trust this health care plan at all. The government doesn't wear lab coats. I think they need to leave our medical choices up to those who know more than they do. The system needs to be reformed, not totally dismantled and handed over to the government.



Cash for Caulkers

Cash for caulkers? It comes at a cost of 23 billion over two years according to the numbers I'm seeing so far. Read more about it here.



New York and Terrorists

I can't imagine being a New Yorker right now. Not only would 9/11 be impossible to ever get over but now they're bringing terrorists into the area to stand trial. They aren't United States citizens! Let's ask the families of the 9/11 victims what should be done with them.

I don't see President Obama being re-elected. I think his plan is to do what he can in one term so he's probably fine with that.



Lou Dobbs Leaving CNN

Lou Dobbs announced today that he is leaving CNN. No word yet on where he's going. I stopped watching CNN, and some of the others, when most of their broadcasts seem to leave their journalism ethics in the trash. If he's a real journalist, he'll want to actually report the news and not just with the slant a network boss wants him to use.

Great move, Lou!! Good luck!!

Where will he end up? Perhaps writing another book? Maybe on FOX News? Time will tell.


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