
Who is writing the bills?

According to Glenn Beck, it's not Congress. Is it:

Socialists? Communists? Revoluationaries?

Read more about it here.



$400 - $600 to Help Pass Obama Health Care on Craigslist!

There are ads up on Craigslist of offers to pay $400 to $600 per week for people to show up and support Obama's healthcare reform.

People with an opposing opinion, who showed up to voice them were called un-American and astroturfers. What the hell is PAYING people to show up about?


Current Rasmussen Polls About Our President




"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

- Margaret Thatcher



Health Care Reform Slows Down House.gov Web Site

Yesterday, members of Congress received so many emails about the health care reform that they overloaded the system. If you tried to reach House.gov and it was very slow or you were unable to connect, that's why. You weren't the only one trying to get your opinion heard. According to the spokesman for the chief administrative officer, Ventura said the large volume of traffic was clearly due to health care reform. However, they would not release the numbers without proper consent to do so.

Perhaps the government needs to upgrade their system to meet the demands of the citizens with a company like orange county computer services. The citizens of the United States deserve to be heard, no matter what the opinion. It's an American right!


White House Sleeping with Big Pharmaceutical Companies?

President Obama promised transparency. Haven't seen it yet.

Has he kept his promises made during his campaigning? Haven't seen it yet.

Rumor has it that there was a memo released showing the White House and Big Pharma getting into bed together, which further reduces the chance that President Obama will do what he said during the campaign for the White House. Claims are that the White House agreed to oppose any congressional push for lower drug prices or import drugs from Canada. There was also talk about Medicare rebates not being pursued because it'd cost the pharmaceutical companies a lot of money.

So where in there is this best for the citizens? Where are the cost savings? Where is the competition that this nation has always thrived on, in other areas, to ensure lower priced drugs? Why are the pharmaceutical companies afraid of a little competition and why would the White House agree to that?

We've moved so far away from what this nation is about that it's scary to me.

I agree that there needs to be health care changes. I think a lot of that has to be done at the level of the pharmaceutical companies. As long as they are in the White House's back pockets, that will never happen. That means decisions will not be made based on what is best for US but made to line the pockets of others. I don't agree that a health care system that a majority of citizens approve of, that other countries envy, should be totally dismantled. Work at the pharmaceutical level. Work at the medical insurance level. Don't destroy a whole system!

Are politicians going to listen to the voices of the masses, the majority now, and not implement this? If they don't, it's their futures up for grabs at re-election time it seems to me.



Current Presidental Job Approval Rating



Health Care Reform

Other countries have tried a national health care system and failed. Is it inexperience on the part of the Administration to think they can pull this off, arrogance that they can do it when other countries have failed, or are they intent on destroying the freedoms that America is about?

Canadians come HERE for care they can't get over there. That's not just something I've heard on television, it's what I've heard from REAL nurses that I know.



Something Stinky at the White House

There's something stinky at the White House and it's not the family dog!

The White House doesn't seem to like that citizens are exercising their free speech rights and speaking out against the health care reform being organized in the White House right now. The White House is referring to these citizens as "mobs". Why are voting citizens being attacked for exercising free speech?

The White House was met with criticism when they made a blog post asking citizens who supported the health care reform to inform the White House of any "fishy" information received through emails, chains, etc. If your aunt or your neighbor forwards an email criticizing their health care reform in one of the neverending rounds of emails that gets forwarded, we're supposed to forward it to the White House? Why? Big brother is watching?

The White House is requesting "fishy" information but perhaps they need Woodwick Spill-Proof Reed Diffusers to rid themselves of any fishy lingering odors and move onto more important things than elementary school-like tattling.

Debate on something of this magnitude is good. It would be a major change for the country and other viewpoints need to be heard to know what the needs are.



Political Spectrum Quiz

My Political Views
I am a center-right social moderate
Right: 2.04, Libertarian: 0.35

Political Spectrum Quiz


Obama Summit on Texting While Driving

Obama is having another summit next month. It's not a beer summit like the last one. It's to discuss the problem of texting while driving. Read more about it here.



Broken Promise

President Obama promised not to raise taxes on middle class citizens who make less than $250,000. Reports today indicate that promise might be broken to pay for Obama's health plan and pay down deficit. A politician breaking a promise? Say it isn't so!


President Barack Obama Approval Ratings

A recent poll of President Barack Obama's approval rating for his performance as President is now at 37% strongly disapprove, with a total disapproval rating of 49%. Approval ratings go down and disapproval ratings go up.

It seems some Democrats are teetering as well - the number of Dems fell 2% during the month of July while the number of Republicans has held steady (did the 2% go to the Independent side?).


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