
Current News on Health Care Plan

President Obama will be on television tomorrow to try to get more support for his health care plan. Reports indicate support for his health care plan is falling and support for his spending overall is also nosediving.

So how many of our elected idiots are going to read this bill before they vote? Are there any Americans who understand this bill?



Rasmussen Polls

Rasmussen poll shows 49 percent of people polled are against the government's proposed health care 'reform'.

54 percent do not want to change health care they have for 'reform' via government plan.

President's approval rating continues to slide south and speculation is that is why they are rushing this health care plan through. We saw how well rushing the stimulus went when the elected idiots didn't bother to read it!


Socialized Health Care

Socialized Health Care: Will it be compassionate and fair or will it result in long lines waiting for basic care like Ontario where only one out of two cancer patients receives care fast enough.

I don't want the government controlling where and when my children get care. Right now, if my child is ill, I get in to see the doctor of my choice quickly. If they require medical tests, etc., that gets done right away as well. I don't think that will happen if President Barack Obama's health plan goes into effect, if Canada's health care system is anything to go by.

I can't stand seeing the direction this country is going in. What will it be like for our children and their children?

In Canada, people bring their children HERE for quick care as opposed to months or more of waiting in Canada. Do you want your sick child on a list for months for needed medical care?

There is a Canadian woman on the news who had to wait 3 years for spinal fusion surgery. Her son now has same condition and she is bringing him to the USA for his care so he isn't in pain for years. She said it could take 2-3 years for him to get the necessary treatment otherwise under Canada's health care system.

This is what they want to do to us? Are they nuts?

I don't want my kids suffering or dying before they get care!



Walter Cronkite Dies

Dead at 92, newsman Walter Cronkite has passed away.


Sarah Palin as President?

So is Sarah Palin going to make a run for the republican ticket for President? What do you think? Do you think she has a chance?



Hannity's Panel About Peter King's Comments About Michael Jackson

Hannity's panel about Peter King's comments about Michael Jackson gets ridiculous. The federal prosecutor on the panel comes across as an idiot. She has a law degree? Really?
For more, read here.



North Korea Aiming For Hawaii?

If North Korea's spouting rumors about aiming a missile towards Hawaii becomes a reality, what's President Obama going to do? Do they have something that can reach Hawaii? Is the United States ready to handle (intercept) it if they do? Is North Korea basically giving us the finger with these rumors (they are just rumors at this point) planned when the U.S.A. is celebrating the 4th of July?

Pressure is being put on China by Obama's administration. China is an ally of North Korea. Hell, with all the crap that we have in the states marked "made in China", couldn't WE put pressure on China ourselves by not buying their lead-filled crap?


Health Care Plan Being Yakked About

A new senate health care plan being talked about right now plans to fine you at least or more than $1,000 - if you don't sign up for it. Just like you are required to get automobile insurance, the government wants to require you to get their health insurance as well (subsidies will be given to the poor and some middle-class families). If you don't, it'll cost you fines of more than $1,000! Families would pay more in fines than an individual person would.

They're calling it "shared responsibility payments". The fines would be used to help offset some of the cost of their health plan.

My question - if EVERYBODY must buy into the government's health plan, then I would assume employers would no longer have to offer insurance? Does that mean employers will raise wages since they wouldn't have to pay health insurance anymore?


Sarah Palin Resigns as Governor of Alaska

Effective the end of this month, Sarah Palin is giving up her job as Governor of Alaska and turning it over to Lt. Governor Sean Parnell. She made the announcement today.

I wonder if she'll be running in 2012 for President. Only time will tell.


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