
President Obama is a Liar & Obamacare Sucks

A former school friend of mine just posted that his employer notified him that his family's medical insurance is going up over $10,000 per year thanks to the "Affordable" Care act (aka Obamacare). How is that affordable in any sense?  That payment a month is like another house payment!

No, this isn't one of those things that gets passed around the internet that gets proven to be false. This is a real person on my Facebook page talking about what his employer notified him concerning their family's health insurance.

President Obama is a first-class idiot.  So is every Senator and Representative who voted for this crap.

Here's an article on Forbes about these increases people will see: Double Down: Obamacare Will Increase Avg. Individual-Market Insurance Premiums By 99% for Men, 62% for Women.

For those who voted for this corrupt fool, good going.

Nothing is free.  Somebody is paying for it somewhere. 


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